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Tourist For A Day In Sakaar

Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and the unknown

June 19, 2021

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Looking for the best place to have a great time pretending to be someone you're not and drink yourself to an amnesia? Well you're looking for the right place. Welcome to Sakaar! Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and the unknown. 

If you can only visit for one day, we have listed the must go to places in Sakaar. Due to immigration policies of the Sakaaran government. The amount of tourists is restricted to a handful per year. With that in mind, our editors have selected several New York City destinations that offer similar experiences. New York City is afterall the city that never sleeps just like Sakaar!

If you're lucky enough to be scouted by the scavengers to be a fighter, you will be taken to the Grandmaster himself. His palace offers a great introduction to the city/planet of Sakaar.

The Grandmaster's Palace is the tallest building in the city. This is where the Grandmaster resides. The NYC equivalent is the WTC Freedom Tower. The Freedom Tower is the tallest building in NYC with a large viewing room at the top.

Check out the Airbnb experience our editors have

chosen >

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The Kirby Residential Spires house the most influential residents of Sakaar. They are like the NYC's equivalent of Park Avenue or Billionaire's Row in midtown manhattan. Take the tour suggested by our editors of midtown manhattan and you will see the most magnificent buildings in the world.

On a sidenote, the Kirby Residential Spires is a tribute to the late legendary Marvel designer, Jack Kirby

Check out the unique Airbnb experience our editors have chosen >

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Since Hulk is the Grandmaster's prized champion, he gets to enjoy all of the spoils Take a trip down into the Royal Science Center to visit their science projects. 


Try it out:

Explore this luxurious midtown penthouse apartment for a couple of days to see how it's like to live as a VIP.

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Since Valkyrie is the Grandmaster's best recruiter, she gets paid handsomely. She's no champion though so her apartment is noticeably smaller than Hulk's but still pretty good. 

Try it out: Explore this somewhat affordable apartment in NYC our editors picked out to help you live like the Valkyrie. Try not to be too messy!

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The Sakaarians love to throw an outdoor festival at a moment's notice. They're always ready to party and enjoy celebrating life.  

Try it out:


New York City is home to any and all varieties of outdoor festivals. Our editors have chosen one for you to try. Enjoy!

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There are possibly millions of wormholes surrounding the planet.

In New York we have tunnels underneath the city helping transport people into and out of the main island. NYC even has a big station called Grand Central Station which is similar to the  Devil's Anus.  

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Last but certainly not the least is the Grand Arena. Come watch the lost warriors of the universe in the Contest of Champions. The fights haven't been as much fun as when Hulk was here. However, he does make his once a year experience to spice up the crowd.


We no longer have gladiator fights in the modern world.

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