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Cars Only Available in the MCU

Make these available for the public!

By: The Hero Gig Staff

October 9, 2020

Acura NSX convertible2.PNG


The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a way of teasing us what we cannot have.

From future technology to gods and magic, the MCU continues to astound us.

In that same fashion, the MCU likes to tease us with cars not available for sale.

(From Avengers 1)


Scene: Tony Stark drives home in his Acura NSX convertible after seeing off Thor and Loki. 


Make this available for us Acura!



Acura NSX convertible.PNG


(From Captain America: Winter Soldier)

Scene: Nick Fury gets into a literal jam and gets out of it with his fully featured SUV. Features include, artificial intelligence assistant, weapons, armor plating, flight and autonomous driving.


Nick Fury.PNG

(From Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Scene: Hawkeye driving thru the battlefield in an Audi A3 Cabriolet


While it was available in the past. It is not available now.

As of the publishing of this article, the cabriolet version is not available.


audi a3.JPG

(From Avengers: Endgame)

Scene: Tony Stark drives into the Avengers compound in his new Audi E Tron. This E Tron has a distinct internal combustion engine sound that is just not available in the actual car.



Go test drive the Audi E Tron and see for yourself.



Audi E Tron:          $$$ Buy Now at Audi

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(From Iron Man 3)


Scene: Tony Stark summons his Audi R8 E Tron to his position. That function just does not exist in real life. Also, this car is not for sale.




audi r8 e tron.JPG

Scene:  Captain America and the remaining Avengers drive into Tony Stark's cabin to ask for his help in developing a quantum tunnel to travel back in time to save their friends and family.




Future Audi Car.PNG

(From Avengers: Endgame)

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